
We would like to inform our patients that unfortunately Dr Fontaine will be taking a leave of absence for the foreseeable future.

Although we will endeavour to seek locum support where possible, it is likely that our available appointments and the level of access to clinicians that we usually deliver will be adversely affected by this. Please understand that we may not be able to offer our usual level of access during this time.

Our receptionists may refer you to an urgent care centre in Banbury if you need an urgent appointment and we are unable to provide one.

Where appropriate, you can help us by utilising local services:

If you are having musculoskeletal (MSK)  problems you can self-refer to a physio here or ask our receptionist to book you a Saturday morning physio appointment.

If you have sinusitis, shingles, sore throat, impetigo or a UTI, amongst other conditions, you can seek help at a local pharmacy. More information as well as how to find a pharmacy can be found here 

If you are pregnant, please contact the midwives at Horton hospital or Marie Stopes if you are considering of termination of pregnancy.

If you have an eye problem, please contact an Oxfordshire optician who offers a Minor Eye Conditions service (MECS)

If you need sexual health advice you can contact 01865 231231, or for emergency contraception you can find information here

We will keep you as up to date as possible, and we thank you in advance for your ongoing support and understanding.

The NHS have arranged several 'Protected Learning' days throughout the year. These days provide time for staff to complete mandatory training which is essential to maintain a safe and effective environment for patients. During these times the surgery will be closed. The next day for one of these is Wednesday 26th February.

Usually this learning time will take place over an afternoon, so in the mornings we will be open as usual. 


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